Showing posts with label devops. Show all posts
Showing posts with label devops. Show all posts

Saturday, February 28, 2015

List running EC2 instances with golang and the aws-sdk-go

Managing multiple AWS accounts can sometimes be tough, even when doing something as simple as matching a private IP address with a hostname.

In the past I used the aws cli tools, but I had to constantly switch both the accounts and the regions when making requests:

# Make it's in the prod-5 account in us-west-1
aws ec2 --profile=prod-5 --region=us-west-1 | grep my_instance

# Okay not that account or region, let's try eu-west-1
aws ec2 --profile=prod-5 --region=eu-west-2 | grep my_instance

Repeat 1x for each account and region

As you can imagine this is extremely time consuming, even when using the CLI tools. I wrote a small tool that will find every single instance you can view using every account available to you (according to your ~/.aws/config). The aggregate results can then be searched.

I choose to use the existing ~/.aws/config file so that it works along side your normal aws cli tools. 

This is a very good use-case for Golang, which has nice concurrency primitives. With five accounts this script (once compiled) will display all of the results in under 1.5 seconds. Not bad.

The result is a space-separated list with some additional values added. It should be easy to find what you're looking for:

$ ./aws_list
i-71930187 prod-manage005 t2.micro prod-account
i-71930187 stage-controller7 t2.medium staging-account
i-71930187 prod-vpn01 m4.large None prod-account
i-71930187 stephen-test-host m3.large test-account

The output is a space-separated file and only "running" and "pending" instances are displayed. For a list of filters or instance attributes consult the official documentation.

package main

import (

func check(e error) {
    if e != nil {

printIds accepts an aws credentials file and a region, and prints out all
instances within the region in a format that's acceptable to us. Currently that
format is like this:

  instance_id name private_ip instance_type public_ip account

Any values that aren't available (such as public ip) will be printed out as

Because the "name" parameter is user-defined, we'll run QueryEscape on it so that
our output stays as a space-separated line.
func printIds(creds aws.CredentialsProvider, account string, region string, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
    defer wg.Done()

    svc := ec2.New(&aws.Config{
        Credentials: creds,
        Region:      region,

    // Here we create an input that will filter any instances that aren't either
    // of these two states. This is generally what we want
    params := &ec2.DescribeInstancesInput{
        Filters: []*ec2.Filter{
                Name: aws.String("instance-state-name"),
                Values: []*string{

    // TODO: Actually care if we can't connect to a host
    resp, _ := svc.DescribeInstances(params)
    // if err != nil {
    //      panic(err)
    // }

    // Loop through the instances. They don't always have a name-tag so set it
    // to None if we can't find anything.
    for idx, _ := range resp.Reservations {
        for _, inst := range resp.Reservations[idx].Instances {

            // We need to see if the Name is one of the tags. It's not always
            // present and not required in Ec2.
            name := "None"
            for _, keys := range inst.Tags {
                if *keys.Key == "Name" {
                    name = url.QueryEscape(*keys.Value)

            important_vals := []*string{

            // Convert any nil value to a printable string in case it doesn't
            // doesn't exist, which is the case with certain values
            output_vals := []string{}
            for _, val := range important_vals {
                if val != nil {
                    output_vals = append(output_vals, *val)
                } else {
                    output_vals = append(output_vals, "None")
            // The values that we care about, in the order we want to print them
            fmt.Println(strings.Join(output_vals, " "))

func main() {
    // Go for it!

    // Make sure the config file exists
    config := os.Getenv("HOME") + "/.aws/config"
    if _, err := os.Stat(config); os.IsNotExist(err) {
        fmt.Println("No config file found at: %s", config)

    var wg sync.WaitGroup

    file, err := ini.LoadFile(config)

    for key, values := range file {
        profile := strings.Fields(key)

        // Don't print the default or non-standard profiles
        if len(profile) != 2 {

        // Where to find this host. The account isn't necessary for the creds
        // but it's something we expose to users when we print
        account := profile[1]
        key := values["aws_access_key_id"]
        pass := values["aws_secret_access_key"]
        creds := aws.Creds(key, pass, "")

        // Gather a list of all available AWS regions. Even though we're gathering
        // all regions, we still must use a region here for api calls.
        svc := ec2.New(&aws.Config{
            Credentials: creds,
            Region:      "us-west-1",

        // Iterate over every single stinking region to get a list of available
        // ec2 instances
        regions, err := svc.DescribeRegions(&ec2.DescribeRegionsInput{})
        for _, region := range regions.Regions {
            go printIds(creds, account, *region.RegionName, &wg)

    // Allow the goroutines to finish printing

Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Deployment Manifesto

This has nothing to do with the word devops. Instead, this is a discussion about certain responsibilities in which both the ops teams and the developer teams overlap. This is about cooperation between teams to create a better product.

The 10 Requirements

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL
     "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
RFC 2119.

1. Configuration management MUST NOT be coupled to an external service, such as EC2, Openstack, Foreman, or anything else.

2. Devops SHOULD provide a self-service framework for the automatic creation and destruction of hosts from the ground up.

3. Devops SHOULD work with engineering teams to come up with continuous deployment strategy that doesn’t involve the destruction and creation of fresh operating systems.

4. All code required for deployments MUST be maintained in a centralized source repository. 

5. Deployments MUST use immutable snapshots -- such as a git tag -- from source code.

6. Hosts being provisioned MUST get their configurations from source control and MUST NOT rely on resources from an individual user or an engineer’s local computer.

7. Developers MUST provide a way to test code before it is deployed.

8. Devops MUST have an automated and tested rollback plan with every deployment.

9. Devops SHOULD provide feedback and planning support for hardware, infrastructure, and software dependencies necessary to run applications.

10. Devops MUST monitor all deployments and have clear, identified benchmarks for success or failure.